WSU and Cooperating Institutions (CI) can follow some general guidelines for developing or updating an Articulation Agreement. The first step is establishing a shared interest in articulation between WSU and the CI and discussing what programs are to be considered for articulation. Once programs are identified, the CI and WSU will exchange copies of two and four year degree plans for each selected option and review courses and syllabi to identify and address any missing required courses. Term-By-Term Planning Sheets are developed to address Year 1 and 2 at the CI and Year 3 and 4 at WSU.
After an agreed upon plan is approved, all documents will be routed for appropriate review and signatures at the CI and WSU. The Transfer Clearinghouse will maintain the database for the agreement and update the transfer credit equivalency website and tables. The CI and WSU Academic Department will also be responsible for maintaining and updating the agreement.
We have developed a complete articulation agreement handbook that provides full details.
Examples of completed agreements can be found on the College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences (CAHNRS) webpage. Please email for additional guidance.
Serving students, the university, and all stakeholders in the transfer credit process.
Division of Academic Engagement and Student Achievement, Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President