Pre-Construction Plan Books for the Navy

The small investment you make here with will save you money and give you a partner to work with that guarantees your plans will be approved and you can get started as quickly as possible!

The NAVFAC is comprised of multiple regions. One region to the next may have slightly different plan formatting requirements. It is typically the case that any of the plans offered through will contain all of the information required to substantially meet contract requirements.

In an effort to reduce confusion and make the review process simple for you government reviewer, we have prepared multiple formats to directly address specific formats called out in multiple project specifications issued by the NAVFAC. It is the goal of preconstruction plans to provide plans that are formatted as closely as possible to different project specifications currently being issued by NAVFAC regions serving multiple geographic and technical areas throughout the U.S and abroad.

Plans Specific to NAVFAC

We suggest you look at the specific requirements in your project specification and compare it to the table of contents in the samples we offer. Typically, you can find your CQC Plan Requirements in Specification Choose the plan that most closely mirrors your specification requirements. This will speed the government review process and reduce any potential for confusion or comments during the government review.

If you are working from an RFP or project specifications that do not specifically call out the requirements, we recommend that you select NAVFAC CQC Plan 1, EMP Plan 1, and APP (2014). These templates contains the typical NAVFAC plan requirements without volunteering too much additional information that may slow the plan review process.

If your Specs require a plans format that does not match the format presented below, please contact us and we will prepare a plans template that matches your specification exactly and provide it to you within 24-48 hours at the same price as the listed price for the plan required.

Please Contact us at 206.734.4600 with any questions.


Determining Which Version of Plans to Download

Below are the Master Tables of content for the NAVFAC plans currently offered through Each individual section also has their own table of contents with substantially more details concerning the content of each section. Please download free samples if you would like examples of Section TOCs (Tables of Contents).

Accident Prevention Plan Templates

Quick Reference Table of Contents for NAVFAC APP Options

The NAVFAC APP is the most voluminous of the required plans. The Master Table of contents for the 2008 and 2014 versions of the APP are identical. However, the content is substantially different. Please refer to your specifications to determine which template version (2008 or 2014) is appropriate.

As of June 2015 the 2014 version of USACE Safety Manual E.M. 385-1-1 has not been published in hard copy but the electronic version is available online. Many USACE and NAVFAC Contracting Officers are now requiring the project Accident Prevention Plan (APP) to be prepared under the requirements of the 2014 version even if Contract issued Specification references the 2008 version of E.M. 385. Some contracts however still require project plans to be prepared in accordance with the 2008 version of E.M. 385.

We recommend you confirm with your COR which version is applicable to your project. If you would like help determining this, please call us or email your specs to us. | (206) 734-4600.

Acronyms and Abbreviations
Section 1 Signature Sheet
Section 2 Background Information
Section 3 Statement of Safety and Health Policy
Section 4 Project Organization
Section 5 Subcontractors and Suppliers
Section 6 Training
Section 7 Safety and Health Inspections
Section 8 Accident Reporting
Section 9 Required Plans
Section 10 Risk Management Processes
Appendix I Personnel Qualifications
Appendix II Material Safety Data Sheets